We would like to announce the list of papers that have been nominated as candidates for the Best Paper Award. The nominated papers were selected based on their review scores.
The final decision will be made during the conference by the best paper committee based on the presentation and Q&A. The award will be announced and conferred during the closing session (Friday, 5th June at 15:45).
Best paper nominees
Perceptions of organizational injustice in French business schools
Lovasoa Ramboarisata, Linda Ben Fekih Aissi
U-Behavior: Visual-Form Learning Analytics to Enhance Teaching and Learning
Kelly Mckenna, James Folkestad, Marcia Moraes
Reliability of multiple-choice versus problem-solving student exam scores in higher education: Empirical tests
Eric S Lee, Naina Garg
Projects with added value to increase competitiveness and student satisfaction
Sílvia Espinosa Mirabet, Jordi Serra Simón, Joaquim Majó Fernández