Publication opportunities

We are happy to announce that we can offer HEAd’24 participants the opportunity to submit extended versions of their accepted papers to two journals:

  1. MAGISTER- Journal of Teacher training and Educational Innovation (Open for articles on educational issues).
    Magister publishes original works of applied research in the field of teacher training and educational research. Magister accepts papers in Spanish or English, theoretical reviews, descriptions of experiences in training and educational innovation, literature reviews and empirical research. Free of any charge & fully open access. Visit journal homepage for more information.
  1. The International Journal of Education for Social Justice Special Issue on Global Citizenship Education (Open for articles that focuses on Global Citizenship Education)
    This special issue aims to contribute to the advancement of the academic debate on GCE and its implications for educational practice and social transformation. We encourage the submission of papers based on original empirical studies that systematically and rigorously allow for a critical reflection on how to conceptualise GCE, integrate it into diverse educational contexts or link it to issues of social justice. However, we are also open for papers that provide theoretically driven discussions or discuss new methodologies, approaches or views of GCE. We are therefore looking for the presentation of research articles that cover some of the following topics, among others: New perspectives, challenges, and international developments in GCSE. Connections between GCE and Social Justice Education, Educational experiences and innovative methodologies on GCE, Policy, curriculum and teacher training in GCE, GCE oriented to sustainable development, peace education, citizen participation, inclusion, etc., Virtual spaces in the construction of global citizenship. Free of any charge & fully open access. Papers can be published in Spanish, English or Portuguese. Visit the journal homepage for more information.

In both cases we are looking for reviewers and original articles. Please feel free to contact us if you require further information for publication or if you are interested in becoming one of the reviewers of the journal / special issue.